Leadership Development Articles
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What is Authentic Leadership?
Authentic Leadership as a concept has been around for many years. I first came across it in the early 2000’s around the time Bill George published his book ‘Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value’.
It was a popular way of talking about leadership for a while at that time, and I recently thought I was noticing a strong resurgence in the use of the term…..
How Does Developmental Trauma Influence Behaviour at Work?
While the effects of developmental trauma are often discussed in the context of personal relationships and mental health, they also significantly influence behaviour and performance in the workplace, so why do we not talk about developmental trauma at work?…
Are You Having a Mid-Career Crisis?
If you’re in your 40s or 50s and find yourself questioning your career choices, experiencing a sense of stagnation, or feeling unfulfilled despite your achievements, you might be in the midst of a mid-career crisis.
This is a common experience for many professionals, yet it is often misunderstood or dismissed as simply being a phase. However, by understanding the dynamics behind a mid-career crisis you can turn it into a pivotal moment for self-discovery, personal growth and career development…