Liberare Consulting
The Inclusive Team

The Inclusive Team

The Inclusive Team

The Inclusive Team™ model was developed by Melody Moore after working for over twenty years with leaders and teams across a range of sectors, organisations, geographies and hierarchical levels. Having led the UK and Ireland DEI practice for a global consultancy, she was frustrated with the fact that everyone was focusing on creating inclusive leaders (Inclusive Leadership training) and inclusive individuals (Unconscious Bias/Conscious Inclusion training), but nobody recognised that inclusion mostly takes place, and has the most impact, at a team level.

It was important for Melody to create a model that didn’t just focus on diversity and inclusivity, as her extensive work with teams showed her that other aspects of team performance were also highly important, and that inclusion alone wasn’t the answer.  

Melody developed the framework by combining her experience of working with existing teams models with key elements of her DEI knowledge, some aspects of neuroscience, and inspiration from concepts such as Growth Mindset (Carol Dweck), Psychological Safety (Amy Edmondson) and Intellectual Humility (Shane Snow). 

You can read an interview where Melody why we need inclusive teams here.

LC Models_Inclusive Team Subclusters - no background

The result is five clusters – Trust, Alignment, Growth, Adaptability and Respect – and ten sub-clusters (shown on the outside of the model) that capture the key elements of an inclusive high performing team as illustrated in the diagram above.

The model is designed to help you build a more inclusive culture one team at a time.

Liberare Consulting Services

We offer a range of team development services using our Inclusive Team model.  These include facilitated team away-days and workshops for individual teams, or organisational-level initiatives where we collaborate with you to build an inclusive culture one team at a time. 

If you are interested in using the model or diagnostic in your organisation, we would love to talk to you about how we can support you. Contact us to discuss your options.

Inclusive Team Diagnostic

The model has been developed into a comprehensive online diagnostic that can be used to identify the strengths and development areas of a team.  It can be used with individuals or with an intact team.

Click here for more information

The Inclusive Team Individual Report Cover (1)

The Inclusive Team Book

Melody wrote her book ‘The Inclusive Team – How to build and develop inclusive high performing teams’ as a toolkit to help team leaders, team members and DEI/Development professionals to build and develop inclusive high performing teams.

Each cluster of the model is explored in detail and is supported by advice for team leaders and team members and exercises to develop each sub-cluster of the model.  It is accompanied by downloadable instructions and handouts for each exercise.

You can find out more about the book here.


Want to listen to Melody talking about her thinking behind The Inclusive Team and to hear her explain the core elements of the model?  

Why not pop over to the Liberare Consulting channel on YouTube to watch a recording of a recent webinar. Click here.

And if you listen to the end there is a cheeky discount code for our online store where you can buy signed copies of the book and get your hands on our conversation cards.

Conversation Cards

We have developed a fantastic set of team conversation cards that are based around the model.

The 100 cards (10 for each of the subclusters) come in a sturdy box and are designed to be used time and again.

Each card has a question that encourages team members to share either something about themselves or their opinion on important aspects of how the team works together.

They are a flexible and simple resource to help your team become more inclusive and high performing.

You can buy a set here.


We love working with our clients to create bespoke solutions that exactly meet their requirements.

Email us at to arrange a call to discuss your needs.

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