Liberare Consulting
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Services

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Services

We are passionate about supporting organisations to become more diverse and inclusive.  We offer a range of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion services and solutions that can be employed individually or combined to have a more significant impact.

Mindful Inclusion

Mindful inclusion is the act of consciously and deliberately including others in our day-to-day activities, particularly those who are different to us.

Our mindful inclusion workshop is suitable for all employees, and is flexible on delivery format (virtual or face to face) and length – we can do anything from a high impact 20 minute introduction to a multi day deep-dive workshop.  We focus on education, self reflection and skill building practice. 

Topics include: the importance of DEI, exploration of our biases and how to manage them, how to be mindfully inclusive.

Skill building focuses on our model of inclusive behaviours and includes: developing curiosity, cultivating open-mindedness, constructive dialogue and practicing mindfulness and presence.

Inclusive Leadership

There is no doubt that the leaders of an organisation play an incredibly important role in increasing diversity and creating an equitable and inclusive culture. 

This workshop is aimed at leaders of all levels and uses our inclusive leader model to help participants understand the knowledge, mindset, and behaviours that are common to inclusive leaders.

DE&I Diagnostic and Strategy

One of the mistakes that many organisations make is to launch a number of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives without a clear ambition, plan or understanding of what will actually make a difference.

We work with organisations to take a deep-dive into their unique DEI context and challenges, creating a detailed report which informs their DEI strategy and action plan.

Developing Under-represented Talent

Many organisations find that their diversity is distributed un-equally throughout the organisation, with diverse employees tending to be concentrated at the bottom, with a clear lack of representation at more senior levels.

We work with organisations to identify and break down the barriers to progression for under-represented talent.  We also provide accelerated development programmes for under-represented groups to help them understand and overcome the internal and external barriers to progression that they face.

Executive Team DEI Strategy Workshop

We believe that a lack of senior leadership engagement, sponsorship and role modelling is the single biggest barrier to creating a truly diverse, equitable and inclusive organisation.

This workshop is aimed at senior leadership teams and aims to create a shared understanding of the organisations DEI challenges and to help executives understand their role in driving change.

Employee Resource Group Support

Employee Resource Groups or Networks are an important part of DEI governance for many organisations.

We work with ERGs and businesses to help ensure that the ERG activities are aligned to the organisation’s DEI ambition and aims. 

The Inclusive Team

There is often a strong focus on inclusive leaders, but little focus given to how the whole team can work together to create an inclusive culture.

Click here to find out more about our Inclusive Team model, diagnostic, book and services.

DEI for HR Teams

A core element of successful DEI is the integration into an organisations systems and processes.

We work with HR teams to educate them in the basics of Diversity Equity and Inclusion and provide additional training and checklists  for each HR specialism team to help them review their systems and processes through a DEI lens.

DEI Coaching

We provide 1-1 support to individuals who want to improve their beliefs, knowledge and behaviours in the field of DEI.

This could be executives who prefer a 1-1 rather than group experience, individuals who need performance coaching around a DEI topic, employees from under-represented groups who need some support, or newly appointed DEI professionals who want an external perspective and sounding board.

Inclusive Recruitment

Developing a consistent approach to attracting and recruiting diverse talent is a key focus for many organisations.

We offer training for Talent Acquisition teams and hiring managers to help develop the knowledge, mindset and behaviours to ensure that bias is mitigated throughout the process from attraction to onboarding.

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