Liberare Consulting
Being Free Retreats

Being Free Retreats

Being Free Retreats - Where Transformation Begins

Have you ever felt like there is more to life but you don’t quite know what it is? That your job and the life you are living might be somebody else’s idea of success but not your own?

Do you feel on the edge of burnout and know that you need to do something about it?

Maybe you are undergoing a significant transition either in work or in your personal life and would like to create some headspace to think about what is going on?

Then the Being Free Retreats are for you!

A safe place where you can slow down, relax and think deeply about who you really are and what is important to you. A space to figure out how you might be getting in your own way, and how you can free yourself from the habits and learned behaviours that no longer serve you.


Who Are Being Free Retreats For?

Everyone is welcome, and we anticipate that the retreat will be particularly powerful for those who are in a period of reflection and transition.

All that we ask is that you come with an open heart and mind and a commitment to focussing on yourself for two days.  Whilst we don’t impose a digital detox we would strongly recommend turning off your phone, enabling your ‘out of office’ and taking the opportunity to relax, reflect and be inspired.

What Does a Being Free Retreat Involve?

We have designed this retreat to be nothing like you’ve ever experienced before.  A gorgeous blend of relaxation, deep reflection, small and large group work, mindfulness and reconnection to your body.   You will leave with a renewed connection to your goals and purpose, a new group of supporters and cheerleaders, and permission to be your real authentic self.

The agenda itself will be fluid to ensure we meet the group needs, but to give you a high level sense of what we will be doing:

Day One

The morning of day one is about meeting your new friends, relaxing into the process and connecting to where you are in your life, your work, goals and sense of purpose.

In the afternoon we will take a deep dive into how our learned (or adaptive) behaviours and thought processes can get in the way of us achieving what we really want in life.  Using our adaptive behaviours diagnostic and techniques from developmental trauma therapy, we will support you to uncover your core saboteurs, understand how they are holding you back and identify ways of loosening their grip on you.

Day Two

Building on day one, we will explore who you would be without your story.  Using the fabulous work of Byron Katie you will explore how you can re-frame challenging thoughts and feelings to give you a more peaceful life.

The final afternoon will be spent preparing for re-entry into the world!  Understanding the importance of self-care, collating your thoughts and learnings, making plans and commitments to ourselves and each other


How Are We Different?

Being Free retreats bring you elements of a wellness retreat, combined with aspects of leadership development, underpinned with an understanding of developmental trauma therapy.

Our aim is to create a balance of freedom and structure to take you on a journey of self discovery where you can go deeper in and start to understand not just what you do, but why you do it. 

Dates and Locations

We are working on the dates and locations for our next retreats.  Please join the waitlist by clicking on the button at the bottom of this page.

Your Retreat Hosts

Melody Moore

I have spent over 30 years developing my understanding of people – what makes you tick, and what gets in the way of you living a rich and fulfilling life.

 I am at my absolute best when I am helping you to go deeper, to connect with your purpose and overcome long-standing blocks to you reaching your full authentic potential.

An occupational psychologist and former NHS Manager, I have spent over 20 years as a consultant to individuals, teams and organisations across many sectors and geographies, working with a huge range of clients from small startups to large global brands.

I am a qualified coach, experienced leadership and team development facilitator and have chosen to deepen my practice through a three-year training in Developmental Trauma Therapy.

I’m also a single mum to a gorgeous 14 year old and dog mum to a 3 year old Cavapoo. There is nothing I love more than getting out into the beautiful Surrey countryside usually with my dog, and if I’m very lucky with my daughter too.

Having attended many personal development retreats over the years, I have long had a dream of creating a retreat-like experience with a focus on the interplay between work and life and I am beyond thrilled to be working with my good friend Claire to bring this vision to life.


Claire Kelly

I am a qualified life, career and executive/leadership coach and have spent the last few years working with thousands of women and men seeking change, fulfilment and wanting more from life.


Prior to this I was a senior leader for a large organisation where I climbed the ladder fast (just turned out to be the wrong ladder). I experienced everything I support people with today, from extreme stress, burnout which led to serious illness and surgeries, constant feelings of imposter syndrome and not being good enough, feeling like I was all things to all people and sacrificing every ounce of joy in place of proving myself and pleasing and giving to others. It was only when I discovered the deeper causes of my patterns that I was finally able to make change – which included a complete career change and opening my heart to love.


It is my mission to help others to avoid this, or if they find themselves feeling this, to work their way out and find freedom, balance, joy and whatever else they truly seek and deserve.


Having spent three years training in Developmental Trauma Therapy and the role our childhood experiences plays in shaping us as adults, I love helping people feel like they finally ‘get themselves’ and understand how they can let go of adaptive behaviours to step into who they truly are meant and want to be.


Like my lovely friend Melody, I believe in the importance of looking at work and life holistically as they are so intertwined and am excited to be bringing our shared experience and knowledge to our retreats to help YOU also be your best you.


The per person cost of atwo day non-residential workshop is £400. The price includes refreshments, lunch and materials on both days and is inclusive of VAT.  Accommodation is not included, but if you would like to stay overnight we can provide a list of local accommodation.

Upon booking we take a 50% non-refundable deposit, with the remaining 50% due 4 weeks before your retreat.

If you would like your company to pay for your place we can provide you with a document to help with your business case (!) and can invoice your organisation directly.

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