Leadership Development, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Coaching
Liberare Photo Postcards – Pack A
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Liberare Photo Postcards – Pack A

£14.95 inc VAT

Set of  25 Photo Cards with box

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We regularly use these Liberare Photo Postcards on our workshops and are making them available to our clients due to popular demand.

One side is a picture and the other has space to write a message, address and add a stamp. The pictures are varied and are designed to stimulate thoughts, ideas and use of metaphor.

We use them both as cards to send to friends and clients, and in a variety of ways on our workshops, in particular as part of visioning, creativity and action-planning activities. We added the postcard details on the back so that the cards could be sent to participants as a follow-up to the workshop.

There are lots of different ways the Liberare photo postcards can be used in workshops and with individuals, therefore each pack will come with a link to a download with some ideas and exercise instructions. You can give them away, or keep them and reuse them time and again.

Each pack comes with a storage box – if you order more than one pack you will get a box that is large enough to store them together.

They are available in packs of 25, and there are a range of sets to choose from. This pack has 25 assorted photos designed to stimulate the imagination.

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